
Viewing 1201 - 1210 of 1652 results

« The Origins of Chintz », retour sur l’exposition des années 1970

« The Origins of Chintz », retour sur l’exposition des années 1970

« L’indienne… le tissu exotique qui a fasciné l’Europe…si populaire que l’Angleterre et la France l’ont interdit … ce tissu a révolutionné l’industrie de l’impression textile en Europe. » C’est ainsi que s’exprimaient les auteurs de la brochure accompagnant la grande

Iconic: White Rhino

Iconic: White Rhino

This white rhino is a rare specimen and the centerpiece of the Life in Crisis: Schad Gallery of Biodiversity at the Royal Ontario Museum. Born in South Africa, "Bull" was a mighty 4,500 pounds and is one of the ROM's iconic treasures.

Teck Suite of Galleries: Earth's Treasures

Teck Suite of Galleries: Earth's Treasures

To the ends of the earth…and beyond. Treasures from Earth and space unfold in a suite of galleries designed for exploration and discovery. Meteorites, rocks, precious minerals and gems contribute to one of the finest museum collections on display anywhere. In total, over 4.5 billion years of

The Making of Ultimate Dinosaurs: Giants from Gondwana

Contributed by Peter May, President, Research Casting International Ltd. We held a press preview day at our shop last week to launch the ROM’s major summer exhibition – Ultimate Dinosaurs: Giants from Gondwana. Of the 17 dinosaur skeletons to be exhibited, ten are pretty well finished; just

Earth Rangers Studio

Earth Rangers Studio (ERS) is open most weekends from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm and is located in the  Life in Crisis: Schad Gallery of Biodiversity, Level 2. Stop by during your ROM visit and, if the Studio doors are open, join us! ERS welcomes visitors to explore the natural world that we live in and

The end is near…the long Maya count down

Altar commemorating the midpoint of a k’atun in 682 CE. Sandstone. Late Classic Period (AD 600-900). Toniná, Chiapas, Mexico. Museo Regional de Chiapas. Image (c) CONACULTA.-INAH.-MEX. Jorge Vertiz 2011. Reproduction Authorized by the National Institute of Anthropology and History. As we count

Southern Alberta field collection 2011 has arrived!

Marked field jackets containing horned dinosaur bones from the McPheeter’s bonebed (MBB) and the South Side Ceratopsian (SSC). The fossil bones that we collected from the Milk River region of southern Alberta arrived late last week, and we have just opened the massive crate and inventoried the

Sir Christopher Ondaatje South Asian Gallery

Sir Christopher Ondaatje South Asian Gallery

The Sir Christopher Ondaatje South Asian Gallery is temporarily closed while we refresh our galleries. Stay tuned for more information soon!    Where tradition and modernity meet. The history of South Asia spans more than 5,000 years, from an ancient civilization with a sophisticated visual

Visites guidées pour les groupes

Suivez nos guides de galerie en galerie et laissez-vous enchanter par leurs explications qui donnent vie à des œuvres d'art, à la culture et à la nature ! Au programme : Le ROM en 60 minutes Découvrez les mystères de l’Égypte ancienne, la splendeur des armures médiévales,

Tarifs et politiques

Camps et visites scolaires Les groupes nous visitant le week-end ou venant de l'étranger doivent s'adresser au  Service des visites de groupes.  Tarifs  Prix unique pour les élèves/étudiants, les enseignants et les superviseurs. Les participants au groupe ne peuvent pas payer