ROM Accessibility Strategy
The ROM has developed a Multi Year Accessibility Plan which outlines our commitment to removing barriers to participation for Museum visitors with disabilities. This Multi Year Plan includes a brief overview of our organization, a description of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and our own accessibility planning process, a description of the framework we have in place in order to address issues of accessibility and subsequent goals for the future. The Multi Year Accessibility Plan is available in alternate formats upon request.
Review the ROM Multi Year Accessibility Plan (PDF) and the Annual Status Report 2019 (PDF).
ROM Commitment to a more accessible Museum
The ROM recognizes the diversity of its audience and the Museum is committed to removing barriers to participation extending the reach of the ROM to a greater diversity of visitors. The ROM is committed to meeting accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and any future additions or modifications to the legislation.
Service Disruptions
In order to provide a safe and accessible environment, the ROM is committed to letting visitors know about services and features that are available to them. In the event of a service disruption at the ROM, we will immediately address the issue by:
- Notifying visitors through the Museum website.
- Updating the switchboard with notifications of the disruption
- Posting notifications regarding the disruption within the Museum.
- Ensuring notifications are appropriately located and visible to Museum visitors.
- Explaining the nature of the disruption and why the service is unavailable.
- Anticipating the duration of the disruption, and communicating this information to Museum visitors.
- Providing alternate facilities or services for the duration of the disruption.
Example Notifications
The (NAME/LOCATION) elevators are temporarily unavailable due to regularly scheduled maintenance. Access is available through the (NAME/LOCATION) elevators located at (LOCATION) or via the (ALTERNATE SERVICE MODE) located at (LOCATION).
Elevator service will resume in (DURATION).
Please visit our website or listen to ROM switchboard announcements for updates and information on our maintenance schedule. For additional information please contact 416 586 8000 (Bell Relay Service 711) or visit the ROM website at
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Dear Guest,
Our accessible washrooms are out of service due to a (CAUSE OF DISRUPTION).
A repair crew will be on the premises from (TIME) until (TIME).
Additional accessible washrooms are located at (LOCATION).
We apologize for any inconvenience,
ROM Facility Service