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Résultats 111 à 120 sur 174

Lives and Legacies: Neil Cochrane

Lives and Legacies: Neil Cochrane

As a retired graphic designer, Neil Cochrane has a deep appreciation for good design. In fact, you could even say it’s in his blood. His family has been involved in design in one form or another—as gardeners, house decorators, and wallpaper printers—since the late 18th century.    After

Philanthropic Disposition of a Collection

Philanthropic Disposition of a Collection

If you are planning your estate or just downsizing, one of the most troubling questions is the disposition of collections or antiques, art, jewellery, silver, porcelain, or decorative objects chosen with care. Serious collectors are already familiar with the idea of leaving a legacy through a

Donors Endow ROM Curatorship of North American Archaeology

Donors Endow ROM Curatorship of North American Archaeology

From left: Gino Vettoretto, Isabel Alves-Vettoretto and Christian Vettoretto  One ROM curator can touch thousands of lives through the collections they develop, the exhibitions they curate, the students they mentor, the courses they teach, and through their own path-changing research and

La dotation du poste de conservateur en archéologie nord-américaine

La dotation du poste de conservateur en archéologie nord-américaine

À partir de la gauche: Gino Vettoretto, Isabel Alves-Vettoretto et Christian Vettoretto Un conservateur du ROM peut toucher des milliers de vies en enrichissant des collections, en organisant des expositions, en servant de mentor, en donnant des cours, en menant des recherches et en collaborant à

La dotation du poste de conservateur Allan et Helaine Shiff en changement climatique

La dotation du poste de conservateur Allan et Helaine Shiff en changement climatique

Si la crise climatique que vous vivons est une source d’inquiétude et de confusion pour la majorité d’entre nous, les discussions sur cet enjeu critique sont souvent dans l’impasse ou divisent notre société. Comme l’écrivait Voltaire (1694-1778), « Les hommes discutent, la nature agit

Legs de son vivant: Neil Cochrane

Legs de son vivant: Neil Cochrane

Graphiste à la retraite, Neil Cochrane apprécie pleinement le design de qualité. On pourrait même dire qu’il a ça dans le sang. Sa famille œuvre dans le secteur du design (jardinage paysagiste, décoration intérieure et impression de papier peint) depuis la fin du 18 e siècle. En 1970, il

Estate Spotlight: A Fashionable Legacy

Estate Spotlight: A Fashionable Legacy

As a biographer, Marian Fowler wrote volumes about people whose impact lasted well beyond their lifetimes. Now, through an estate gift to the ROM, she has established her own powerful legacy that will endure far into the future. Marian was born in Toronto in 1929. After graduating from Trinity

Currelly Conversations: Conserving for the Future

Currelly Conversations: Conserving for the Future

When Maryann Weston first moved to Toronto from London, England, no one warned her about the extreme weather—the hot, humid summers and the icy, cold winters. Fortunately, it wasn’t a complete culture shock. As a Londoner, she was used to great museums and galleries like the British Museum and

Planned Gift reflects couple’s passion for the ROM

Planned Gift reflects couple’s passion for the ROM

Blanche and Wes Mitchell shared many passions in their life together: the arts, learning, and travelling—but chief among them all was the Royal Ontario Museum. They loved the ROM so much they left a significant gift to the Museum in their wills—making them members of the Currelly Legacy Society

A Life of Service

A Life of Service

Growing up in Northern Ontario, Marguerite Low was raised to be of service to others—from Brownies and Girl Guides to church and health care service groups. Today, as a dedicated member of the Department of Museum Volunteers, she continues to fulfill this purpose, bringing ROM objects and stories