Filming& Photography Request Form

Please complete the form

If you are a media outlet, student, blogger or documentarian and you would like to request to shoot video of ROM experts, galleries or objects, please fill out this form. Filming and photography requests should be submitted at least one week in advance of the proposed date by completing the application form below. Completion of this application form does not guarantee filming access or approval.


NOTE: This form is not for producers or scouts seeking permission/access to use ROM as a location. Location requests can be directed to

Name Wrapper

I agree to adhere to the ROM’s policies, which can be reviewed here, and may be held responsible for any damage to the ROM Property or artifacts, and may be held liable for any personal injury to staff, volunteers or visitors to the ROM.


For simplicity, all references to “photography” in this document are meant to include all forms of photograph, film, video, and related audio recording. As well, the “shoot” refers to photography related to the specific photography project as described in the filming and photography request above, and does not grant permission for the photography to be repurposed for other projects.


ROM trademarks may not be used in association with filming and photography projects without approval, though they may be photographed as part of the shoot. No photography may be used to imply the Museum’s endorsement of any individual, organization, product or activity without prior permission specifically granted in writing by appropriate authorities of the Museum.


Photography shoots at the ROM require the accompaniment of a member of the Museum’s Communications Department, and are scheduled on weekdays, during regular business hours. Projects requiring less filming time will be given precedence.


The visitor experience is paramount and as such, the ROM will not close off an exhibit or gallery to comply with filming/photography requests. We prohibit any close-up photography or filming of Museum visitors without their knowledge and where they have not given permission and signed a model release.


All shoots must be conducted in a safe manner, including securing cables (non-stick "gaffer" tape). Published images of the ROM or footage must be accompanied by appropriate credit lines. Due to contractual or copyright issues, not all objects or exhibitions at the Museum may be permitted to be photographed, as such, permission to shoot at the Museum does not automatically grant the photographer to shoot in all areas of the Museum.

Failure to comply with safety, visitor, copyright or conservation concerns may result in immediate termination of the shoot.

Shoots deemed by the ROM Communications Department to be of a more complex nature may be required to sign a more comprehensive “Location Agreement” document that supersedes this agreement and provide a certificate of insurance.

The collection of personal information is in accordance with the Privacy Policy of ROM.

Please Note

If photography or filming is not deemed promotional to the Museum, you will be directed to the appropriate ROM department for space rentals.

As a general rule, we are unable to offer parking at the ROM. Drop off or pick up of equipment in the loading dock on the south side of the building can be requested in advance, but can only be guaranteed upon arrival. Please be advised that paid parking is available near the ROM on Bedford Road, Yorkville Avenue and Cumberland Street.