B.A., Archaeology & Anthropology, Tufts University, Boston, 1995
M.A., Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1997
Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2002
Justin Jennings grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. While working on his undergraduate degree in anthropology and archaeology, he excavated briefly in Greece at the Athenian Agora, but later turned his research focus to Peruvian archaeology during graduate school, where his interests continue to this day.
His current research centers on early state expansion and the spread of cultural horizons in the Ancient Andes, and he has published on heritage tourism, ritual change, and the ancient uses of alcohol. Over the last fifteen years, the focus of his fieldwork has been on the impact of the Wari (AD 600 - 1000) and Inca (AD 1430 - 1532) states in the Cotahuasi, Majes, and Siguas Valleys of southern Peru. His most recent books include Globalizations and the Ancient World (Cambridge University Press, 2011) and Beyond Wari Walls (University of New Mexico Press, 2010).
- 2014Justin Jennings and Willy Yépez Álvarez (Eds.). Tenahaha and the Wari State: A View of the Middle Horizon from the Cotahuasi Valley. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa (accepted for publication).
- 2013Justin Jennings and Luis Jaime Castillo (Eds.). Interacciones interregionales del horizonte medio en los Andes centrales. Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima (in press).
- 2012Willy Yépez Álvarez and Justin Jennings (Eds.). Wari en Arequipa? Análisis de los contextos funerarios de La Real. Museo Arqueológica José María Morante, Universidad Nacional de San Agustín, Arequipa.External link, opens in a new tab
- 2011Justin Jennings, Martha Cuevas Garcia, and Roberto Lopez Bravo. Maya: Secrets of their Ancient World. Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto.
- 2011Justin Jennings. Globalizations and the Ancient World. Cambridge University Press, New York.External link, opens in a new tab
- 2010Justin Jennings (Ed.). Beyond Wari Walls: Regional Perspectives on Middle Horizon Peru. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
- 2009Justin Jennings and Brenda Bowser (Eds.). Drink, Power, and Society in the Andes. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
- 2009Mariusz Ziolkowski, Justin Jennings, and Luis Augusto Belen Franco (Eds.). Arqueología del Área Centro Sur Andina: Actas del Simposio Internacional 30 de Junio – 2 de Julio de 2004, Arequipa Perú, Centro de Estudios Precolombinos, University of Warsaw, Warsaw.
- 2014Justin Jennings and Willy Yépez Álvarez. La Ocupación Inca en el Valle de Cotahuasi, Arequipa – Perú. Boletín de Lima (accepted for publication).
- 2009Justin Jennings and Willy Yépez Álvarez. The Inca Conquest and Consolidation of the Cotahuasi Valley of Southern Peru. Ñawpa Pacha: An International Series for Andean Archaeology 29: 119-152.
- 2008Justin Jennings, Catastrophe, Revitalization, and Religious Change on the Prehispanic North Coast of Peru. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 18(2): 177-194.External link, opens in a new tab
- 2008Justin Jennings, Willy Yépez Álvarez, and Corina Kellner. Tumbas de Tenahaha: Contextos funerarios del Horizonte Medio en el valle de Cotahuasi. Boletín de Lima: Vol. XXIX, no. 148, pp. 36-48.
- 2007Justin Jennings, Willy Yépez Álvarez, and Corina Kellner. Tumbas de Tenahaha: Notas preliminares sobre contextos funerarios del Horizonte Medio en el valle de Cotahuasi. Condesuyos: Boletín de la Misión Arqueológica Andina 6:93-108.External link, opens in a new tab
2006, Justin Jennings. Core, Peripheries, and Regional Realities in Middle Horizon Peru. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 25: 346-370. - 2006Justin Jennings. Understanding Middle Horizon Peru: Hermeneutic Spirals, Interpretative Traditions, and Wari Administrative Centers. Latin American Antiquity 16: 265-286.External link, opens in a new tab
- 2005Justin Jennings, Kathy L. Antrobus, Sam J. Atencio, Erin Glavich, Rebecca Johnson, German Loffler, and Christine Luu. “Drinking Beer in a Blissful Mood”: Alcohol Production, Operational Chains and Feasting in the Ancient World. Current Anthropology 46(2): 275-303 (with comments).External link, opens in a new tab
- 2005Justin Jennings. Wilde Fahrt zu den Inka. Abenteuer Archäologie 3(1): 58-62.
- 2003Justin Jennings. Inca Imperialism, Ritual Change, and Cosmological Continuity in the Cotahuasi Valley of Peru. Journal of Anthropological Research 59(4): 433-462.External link, opens in a new tab
- 2003Justin Jennings. The Fragility of Imperialist Ideology and the End of Local Traditions, an Inca Example. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 13(1): 107-120.External link, opens in a new tab
- 2003Justin Jennings and Willy Yépez Álvarez. Architecture, Local Elites, and Imperial Entanglements: The Impact of the Wari Empire on the Cotahuasi Valley of Peru. Journal of Field Archaeology, 28(1/2): 143-159.
- 2003Justin Jennings. Ruins on the Rapids: A White-Knuckle Down-River Ride to Save Peru’s Past. Archaeology 56(6): 30-35.External link, opens in a new tab
- 2003Justin Jennings and Nathan Craig. Using GIS for Politywide Analysis of Wari Political Economy. ESRI GIS Approaches to Archaeology 1: 35-46.External link, opens in a new tab
Book Chapters
- 2014Justin Jennings. A Glass for the Gods and a Gift to my Neighbor: the importance of alcohol in the Pre-Columbian Andes. In From Aguardente to Zambumbia. A Social and Cultural History of Alcohol in Latin America, edited by Gretchen Pierce and Aurea Toxqui. University of Arizona Press, Tucson (accepted for publication).
- 2014Justin Jennings and Willy Yépez Álvarez. Understanding Middle Horizon Peru. In Tenahaha and the Wari State: A View of the Middle Horizon from the Cotahuasi Valley, edited by Justin Jennings and Willy Yépez Álvarez. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa (accepted for publication).
- 2014Justin Jennings. The Cotahuasi Valley during the Middle Horizon. In Tenahaha and the Wari State: A View of the Middle Horizon from the Cotahuasi Valley, edited by Justin Jennings and Willy Yépez Álvarez. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa (accepted for publication).
- 2014Justin Jennings, Ingrid Berg, Camilia Capriata Estrada, Elina Alvarado Sanchez, Alcides Gavilán Vargas, and Irela Valejo. Excavations in the Residential Zone. In Tenahaha and the Wari State: A View of the Middle Horizon from the Cotahuasi Valley, edited by Justin Jennings and Willy Yépez Álvarez. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa (accepted for publication).
- 2014Justin Jennings. Tenahaha, Wari, and Middle Horizon Peru. In Tenahaha and the Wari State: A View of the Middle Horizon from the Cotahuasi Valley, edited by Justin Jennings and Willy Yépez Álvarez. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa (accepted for publication).
- 2013Justin Jennings. Una reevaluación del horizonte medio en Arequipa. In Interacciones interregionales del horizonte medio en los Andes centrales, edited by Justin Jennings and Luis Jaime Castillo. Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima (in press).
- 2013Timothy Earle and Justin Jennings. Remodeling Wari Political Economy. In Interacciones interregionales del horizonte medio en los Andes centrales, edited by Justin Jennings and Luis Jaime Castillo. Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima (in press).
- 2012Justin Jennings, Felix Palacios, Nicholas Tripcevich, and Willy Yépez Álvarez. The Huarhua Rock Salt Mine: Archaeological Implications of Modern Extraction Practices. In Mining and Quarrying in the Ancient Andes: Sociopolitical, Economic and Symbolic Dimensions, edited by Nicholas Tripcevich and Kevin Vaughn, pp. 123-136. Springer, New York.
- 2012Justin Jennings. La Real y el horizonte medio en el Perú. In Wari en Arequipa? Análisis de los contextos funerarios de La Real, edited by Willy Yépez Álvarez and Justin Jennings, pp. 32-53. Museo Arqueológica José María Morante, Universidad Nacional de San Agustín, Arequipa.
- 2012Justin Jennings. Cuero, cuentas, y otros artefactos. In Wari en Arequipa? Análisis de los contextos funerarios de La Real, edited by Willy Yépez Álvarez and Justin Jennings, pp. 219-232. Museo Arqueológica José María Morante, Universidad Nacional de San Agustín, Arequipa
- 2012Justin Jennings and Willy Yépez Álvarez. Como comprender La Real. In Wari en Arequipa? Análisis de los contextos funerarios de La Real, edited by Willy Yépez Álvarez and Justin Jennings, pp. 260-277. Museo Arqueológica José María Morante, Universidad Nacional de San Agustín, Arequipa.
- 2012Susan E. Bergh and Justin Jennings. The History of Inquiry into Wari and its Arts. In The Realm of the Condor: Wari, the Art of a Pre-Inca Empire, edited by Susan E. Bergh, pp. 5-27. Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland.
- 2010Justin Jennings. Beyond Wari Walls. In Beyond Wari Walls: Regional Perspectives on Middle Horizon Peru, edited by Justin Jennings, pp 1-18. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
- 2010Justin Jennings. Becoming Wari: Globalization and the Role of the Wari State in the Cotahuasi Valley of Southern Peru. In Beyond Wari Walls: Regional Perspectives on Middle Horizon Peru, edited by Justin Jennings, pp. 37-56. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
- 2009Justin Jennings and Willy Yépez Álvarez. El Intermedio Tardío en el valle de Cotahuasi, Peru. In Arqueología del Área Centro Sur Andina: Actas del Simposio Internacional 30 de Junio – 2 de Julio de 2004, Arequipa Perú, edited by Mariusz Ziolkowski, Justin Jennings, and Luis Augusto Belen Franco, pp. 481-500. Centro de Estudios Precolombinos, University of Warsaw, Warsaw.
- 2009Justin Jennings and Melissa Chatfield. Pots, Brewers, and Hosts: Women´s Power and the Limits of Central Andean Feasting. In Drink, Power, and Society in the Andes, edited by Justin Jennings and Brenda Bowser, pp. 200-231. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
- 2009Justin Jennings and Brenda Bowser. Drink, Power, and Society: An Introduction. In Drink, Power, and Society in the Andes, edited by Justin Jennings and Brenda Bowser. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, pp. 1-27.
- 2006Justin Jennings. Landscape Museums and Adventurers in Peru’s Cotahuasi Valley. In Site Museums in Latin America, edited by Helaine Silverman, pp. 234-245. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
- 2005Justin Jennings. La Chichera y el Patrón: Chicha and the Energetics of Feasting in the Prehistoric Andes. In Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes, edited by Christina A. Conlee, Dennis Ogburn, and Kevin Vaughn, pp. 241-260. Archaeological Publications of the AAA, vol. 14. American Anthropological Association, Washington D.C.External link, opens in a new tab
- 2003Justin Jennings and Willy Yépez Álvarez. Collota, Netahaha, y el desarrollo del poder Wari en el valle de Cotahuasi, Arequipa, Perú. Huari y Tiwanaku: Modelos y Evidencias, Secundo Parte, edited by Peter Kaulike and William Isbell. Boletín de Arqueología PUCP, no. 5, pp. 13-29. Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, LimaExternal link, opens in a new tab
Book Reviews
- 2010Justin Jennings. Book Review of The Archaeology of Alcohol and Drinking, by Frederick H. Smith. American Antiquity 75(2): 410-411.External link, opens in a new tab
- 2009Justin Jennings. Book Review of Heads of State: Icons, Power, and Politics in the Ancient and Modern Andes, by Denise Y. Arnold and Christine A. Hastorf. Journal of Latin American Studies 41(1): 148-150.External link, opens in a new tab
- 2005Justin Jennings. Book Review Essay of The Recovery of Meaning: Historical Archaeology in the Eastern United States, by Mark P. Leone and Parker B. Potter, Jr., A Marxist Archaeology, by Randall H. McGuire, Behavioral Archaeology, by Michael Brian Schiffer, Method and Theory in Historical Archaeology, by Stanley South. American Antiquity 70(2): 389-392.
- 2004Justin Jennings. Book Review of Signs of the Inka Khipu: Binary Coding in the Andean Knotted-String Records, by Gary Urton. Journal of Anthropological Research 60: 116-117.
Other Publications
- 2011Justin Jennings. Maya Chic: Accessories for Eternity. ROM: Magazine of the Royal Ontario Museum 44(3): 48.
- 2008Justin Jennings. Merely Legend? The ROM’s Crystal Skull. ROM: Magazine of the Royal Ontario Museum 41(2): 22.
- 2008Justin Jennings and Adrienne Rand. Stemming the Tide: How Social Marketers can help in the Fight against Looted Antiquities. SAA Archaeological Record 8(3): 28-31.
- 2007Justin Jennings. Ancient Beer, or the Wayward Ethnographic Wanderings of an Archaeologist. Royal Ontario Museum Archaeological Newsletter, Series IV (1): 1-4.
- 2007Justin Jennings. Splendour of Sicán: Peruvian Gold comes to the Royal Ontario Museum. Minerva: an International Review of Ancient Art and Archaeology 18(2): 23-25.
- 2007Justin Jennings. Kakahuasi: An Odious Reminder of a Preservation Problem. SAA Archaeological Record 7(1): 32.
- 2005Justin Jennings. Andean States. In Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History, edited by William H. McNeill, Jerry Bentley, Karen Christensen, David Christian, David Levinson, Heidi Roupp, and Judith Zinsser, pp. 86-90. Berkshire Publishing Group, Great Barrington.
- 2005Justin Jennings. Inca Empire. In Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History, edited by William H. McNeill, Jerry Bentley, Karen Christensen, David Christian, David Levinson, Heidi Roupp, and Judith Zinsser, pp. 958-963 Berkshire Publishing Group, Great Barrington.
- 2003Marc Goddard and Justin Jennings. Rafts and Ruins: Cooperative Efforts to Save the Archaeological Heritage of the Cotahuasi Valley. SAA Archaeological Record 3(3): 30-32.External link, opens in a new tab