Bishop White Committee: Friends of East Asia


The Bishop White Committee, founded in 1960, is a group of people who have a special interest in learning about and supporting the activities of the East Asia Section – China, Japan and Korea.

To promote learning about China, Japan and Korea, we

Publish twice-yearly newsletters of wide-ranging and interesting topics related to East Asia.
(Click on "newsletters" to enjoy our latest issue)

Present programs about research and activities in the Section

Have activity tables at ROM family events

Through donations and fundraising, we have established

Two endowed funds to support acquisitions, research and other activities of the Section

An endowed Chair of Chinese Art and Archaeology

An endowed Curatorship of Japanese Art & Culture

We provide financial support to the East Asia Library through an annual donation and by purchasing subscriptions to academic journals requested by the Library.

Our fundraising events include

An annual winter luncheon featuring a dim sum lunch and speaker

An annual symposium on topics of interest and relevance to the East Asia Section both past and present

New Friends are welcome

For further information email:

To donate now, please complete and return a Donation Form or Donate Online

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