Friends of Textiles & Costume

Left: 955.80.1.Coverlet Samuel Fry (Canadian weaver in Vineland ON, 1812 - 1881). Clinton Township, Lincoln County, Ontario, Canada. Twill diaper weave in coloured wool c. 1860. 211 x 199 cm. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Burnham. ROM2017_15641_1. Right: 973.399.A-C. Robe à la française Spitalfields (London), England. Silk extended tabby (gros de Tours) with liseré self-patterning and brocading in silver lamella and filé Georgian Rococo. 1750s. Gift of the Fashion Group Inc. of Toronto in memory of Gwen Co


The Friends of Textiles & Costume support the ROM’s spectacular collection of textile and fashion objects that tell stories, interweave cultures and societies, and record intimate histories, politics and ingenious innovation. We strive to deepen one’s understanding of the rich, world-wide collection.

To promote learning about the collection we

Present educational programming and special events

Provide curatorial updates through our Annual General Meeting or special events


Provide textile and costume related activities for children during March Break

Through donations and fundraising we

Provide funds for essential equipment and internships that assist curatorial research

Contribute to the Burnham Brett Endowment for Textiles & Costume that supports exhibitions in the Patricia Harris Gallery of Textiles & Costume

New Friends are welcome

If you are interested in undertaking or assisting in the development and delivery of the group’s activities, please contact us * For further information email:


To donate now, please complete and return the attached Donation Form  or Donate Online

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