Semaines 2 et 3 de #ROMmeme





Staff Writer

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Nous adorons tous les mèmes que vous nous envoyez pour #ROMmeme. C'est un beau mélange de références à la culture pop, à l'histoire naturelle et aux cultures du monde antique. Le tiercé parfait, vraiment.

Voici une sélection des deux dernières semaines, avec de nombreuses références à Mean Girls et, bien sûr, aux chats.

Rom meme. 17th century Japanese print of three women. Caption: Straight Outta 17th century Japan.

18th Century Japanese print of three women. Caption: Squad. #OnFleek.

18th Century Japanese print of three women. Caption: So you agree? You think you're really pretty?

18th Century Japanese print of three women. Caption: Chiyo, stop trying to make fetch happen. It's not going to happen.

18th Century Japanese print of three women. Caption: Nice wig, Janice. What's it made of? Your mom's chest hair.

1950s advertisement of couple at a zoo with zebras behind them. Caption: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

1950s advertisement of couple at a zoo with zebras behind them. Caption: I just feel I'm ready, Fred. I want to change my FB status to 'In a Relationship.'

Sunglasses falling down from the sky

Egyptian mannequin putting make up on. Caption: Been waiting so long for the 80s style to come back.

Egyptian mannequin putting make up on. Caption: Makeup on Fleek

Egyptian mannequin putting make up on. Caption: Woke up like this. #Flawless

Egyptian mannequin putting make up on. Caption: Date night. Not much has changed in 3000 years.

Egyptian mural of two men with offerings. Caption: Man, this line hasn't moved in eras.

Egyptian mural of two men with offerings. Caption: Heyyy Macarena!

Egyptian mural of two men with offerings. Caption: Ben & Jerry's new flavour. Yummy Mummy.

Egyptian mural of two men with offerings. Caption:Club Tropicana. Drinks are free...

Egyptian mural of two men with offerings. Caption: No, srsly, it brings ALL the boys to the yard.

Statue of Sekhmet circa 1360 BCE. Caption: No honey, you don't look like a floppy-eared pitbull.

Statue of Sekhmet circa 1360 BCE. Caption: Yes, I do love cats. Why do you ask?

Statue of Sekhmet circa 1360 BCE with Grumpy cat face. Caption: Made a ROMmeme. HATED IT.

Bust of Cleopatra. Caption: 4000 BCE.

Ne manquez rien

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