Jeanne Beker animera Élégants… et aussi pratiques!
Press Release
The ROM’s Fashion Follows Form exhibition is highlighted at October 7th event
Panel includes journalist Barbara Turnbull and designer Izzy Camilleri
Discussion explores the impact of adaptive design on fashion
TORONTO, August 21, 2014 - Tickets are now on sale for Fashion For Real Life taking place at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) on Tuesday, October 7 at 7:00 pm. Presented in conjunction with the ROM’s Fashion Follows Form: Designs for Sitting exhibition, the event’s panel discussion will be moderated by iconic fashion journalist Jeanne Beker. Panellists include internationally-renowned Canadian designer Izzy Camilleri; journalist and nationally recognized accessibility advocate Barbara Turnbull; structural engineer and co-founder of Stop-Gap Foundation Luke Anderson; and Dr. Alexandra Palmer, the ROM’s Nora E. Vaughan Fashion Costume Senior Curator. The discussion will explore the impact of adaptive design on fashion and the relationship between function and fashion in our daily lives. Additional information and tickets are available by contacting or 416.586.5797.
Fashion Follows Form features fashions from Toronto-based designer Izzy Camilleri’s IZ Adaptive collection. Camilleri’s innovative, fashionable, functional — and affordable—designs are among the first in the world created exclusively to meet the needs of women and men who use wheelchairs. Her creations are augmented by18th and 19th century fashions, also created for a seated, L-shaped body, from the ROM’s renowned collection. The exhibition is on display until January 25th in the Museum’s Patricia Harris Gallery of Textiles & Costume.
Ticket prices
General Public $45 + HST
ROM Members $40 + HST
Teachers/Students $25 + HST