Connection Stations

Guests at The Pursuit of Porcelian installation


Actuellement ouvert mar 7, 2025 au sep 1, 2025



Recommandé pour Adults, Families, Teens & Youth

À propos

How do our experiences shape our perceptions?

ROM Connection Stations invite you to reflect on Museum objects to build a deeper understanding of the world and how others may experience it.

How does your personal background shape your perceptions? How can current interpretations differ from when an object was produced? How could other people view the same object?

These interactive stations can be enjoyed alone or with other guests and invite visitors to share in a collective conversation to recognize biases, consider the impact of perceptions, and foster greater understanding.

Stations are equipped with Braille and QR codes to enable greater accessibility.

Visit three types of stations throughout the Museum

Reflect and Connect

Consider personal experiences while creating collaborative artwork with others. This station provides the opportunity for visitors to contribute to a work bigger than any one individual and read the personal experiences of other visitors.

One Object: Many Stories

Experience a museum object through many perspectives to build a more nuanced understanding of the world and how others may experience it. These interactive stations incorporate the senses of smell and touch to further engage with visitors. Visitors are also invited to share their own observations to build a broad and active conversation.

Decisions, Decisions

Reflecting on how and why we make choices is an important step in combatting bias. Through a gamified digital experience, visitors can explore how lived experiences influence our perceptions. Engage with more than 60 objects from a wide range of geographies, cultures, and time periods as selected by ROM experts, and see how your views compare to those of other visitors.

Station Locations

Reflect and Connect (1 unit): Birds Gallery

One Object: Many Stories (2 units): Earth’s Treasures and European Galleries

Decisions, Decisions (2 units): Korea Gallery and AAAP Gallery